Thursday, July 06, 2006

Still blogging...

I was just trying to see if I could figure out how to get back here and post again. Alas I have found my way; those breadcrumbs in my keyboard definitely helped. (okay so maybe those are just leftovers from my hot pocket.)

I have figured out why I decided to blog today...

I feel GREAT! No, not just good, not just non-pukey, but genuinely great. I am not tired, I don't feel sick to my stomach and I don't want to cry - for any reason. This is a banner day in the history of my pregnancy. On top of that I am getting my haircut tonight so I will undoubtedly look just like Sandra Bullock tomorrow. (That is the magazine picture I am taking my stylist so certainly she will make me look just like her. Although, through the years I have taken my stylists pictures of everyone from Alyssa Milano to Britney Spears and I never have ended up looking like them. I get a great haircut but that is about it. I suppose I should just be happy I didn't end up looking like Britney as she is looking a bit rough lately.)

Okay enough blogging for today... although this is fun stuff!

1 comment:

Missy said...

I know exactly which Sandra picture you took - that long bob of hers, I think they had a pic of it in US Weekly recently, no? Love it.