Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Doctor Said it Would be Like This

So as of my last doctor's appointment I had not gained any weight. I had lost weight initially from being so sick and then I gained that back to bring me back to where I started. The doctor said watch out for the next month you will just wake up one day and have a belly sprouting out. Well on Monday I was five days away from my next doctor's appointment and still no real sign of "the belly." Then Monday night I felt like my belly was a little bit bigger, probably too much snacking during the day. (The belly is very sensitive to how much I eat - too many bowls of cereal and I look like a bloated pig.)

Then I woke up on Tuesday and looked like a 50 year old man who had been drinking three beers a day for most of his natural life. You know that man, he looks normal from the back but turns around and looks like he swallowed a beach ball. I now look like that man, except exchange a beach ball for a watermelon, laying longways on my abdomen. It is very odd. I have not weighed myself yet to see what sort of gain I am looking at but it sure feels like a lot. Several people commented to me yesterday that now I look pregnant. I wanted to say well good at least I don't just look fat, but I refrained.

The ultrasound is this Friday and I am both excited and anxious. I have been praying every morning before I get out of bed that the bean is healthy and strong. I know God is listening but I am anxious to see more of His plan for our family. Oh the joys of modern medicine. Okay so the other weird thing about the ultrasound - you have to have a full bladder for it to work. I don't know why but I do know I have to drink 24 oz of water in the hour before the appointment. How I will be able to sit through the ultrasound without going to the restroom is beyond me. Should make for some fun times.

I will post on Friday after the appointment what we found out.

Now I am off to balance all of my program budgets. YIPPEE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The belly, it has debuted! Hooray! Sending you lots of good wishes for Friday -- look forward to hear all about it.