Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sweet Tooth

My cookie exchange was really fun. The playdate was also great. It was nice to just to be around other moms and see that everyone struggles. There were three moms at the playgroup and they have kids ranging in age from ten to one. Holly actually has a three year old, a two year old and twin one year olds. Her husband is not in Iraq but on a short term assignment in the Caribbean, I think. She handles everything with such ease. At least it looks that way... she says she has lots of help from her friends which makes it doable. She just doesn't seem to get freaked out about anything. She borrowed a diaper at lunch and when she was changing one of the twins I asked if she wanted some Desitin and she replied "oh no we don't have time for that luxury." I smiled and thought thank the Lord for perspective. I am hoping to join up with their playgroup. Holly also mentioned a Bible study at the church designed for people who are new to town. I think I will look in to that.

My dad is coming next week and I am really excited so see him and for Emmy to have some time with him. It is good to engage her with family. I met my aunt for lunch this week and when we left I said say goodbye to auntie and she leaned over and gave her a hug. It was very sweet.

Good news from my friends in Ukraine, their adoption went through and they are on their way back with the boys on the 22. What a blessing! Thanks for your prayers!

Lately I have been very humbled by the people around me. I look at Mark and Courtney and think how are they adopting two boys who are 4 and 5 and don't speak English and yet Mark and Courtney feel as though this is the best gift they could have gotten. Holly has four kids under age three and I marvel at how she does it and yet she not only gets by, she doesn't complain and seems to really relish her children and takes the time to extend a warm welcome to a newcomer. I feel like God is placing these people in my life to show me gratitude and humility and grace and peace. I hope I can use the lessons wisely. I really want to be connected to a church again so I can serve others. My life feels sort of unfulfilling without the opportunity to help others.

Today it is warm, above freezing so maybe I will take Em for a wagon ride.

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