Friday, December 14, 2007

Call Oprah, my kid's a hoarder

Monday was Emmy's first birthday. I can't believe it has been a year. It feels like yesterday that I was wondering if she would sleep through the night or roll over. Now she walks and dances and eats waffles. Who knew? I never could have imagined that I could love her as much as I do or that being a mom would change my life in such a dramatic way. This is by far the hardest job I have ever had. Some days I feel like it is the most rewarding and other days I want to sell her to the gypsies. (Not that I would know where to find gypsies or how much to ask for my child.) I have begun to think about what it would be like to have another child. I wonder if I could go through the tough stages again while still facing the unexpected challenge of whatever new stage Emmy was going through. Can I handle sleep training and potty training at the same time? Do I want to go back to work anytime soon? Do I want to go back to work ever? Every time I try to think about what this next stage of life will bring I end up with more questions than answers. I imagine that is why God is in charge and not me.

Some new revelations about Emmy - she loves Elmo and she is a hoarder. We have started a new ritual with Sesame Street. She sits on my lap and we cuddle and watch Sesame Street. She loves Elmo. Sometimes if she is clinging to my legs while I am trying to make dinner I put on Sesame Street to occupy her. It will keep her busy for a little bit then she will wonder off. As soon as the theme song to Elmo's World comes on she comes running back in to the room with a huge grin on her face. Yesterday we were in Babies R Us and she found a life size Elmo doll. She promptly picked it up and tried to share her snack with him. I would have bought him but he was $40 and I was sure I could find him somewhere else cheaper. Now to the hoarding.

Jeff bought her a wagon for her birthday. She loves it. She likes to go for rides in it but mostly she likes to put her toys in it and push it around. After I laid her down for her afternoon nap I took a peak inside the wagon and I found the following items that she had been collecting all day - Elmo, her dolly, her stuffed frog, letter from her fridge phonics game, my headband, the dog's bone, Jeff's xbox controller, a fish teether and her spin a letter toy. I laughed so hard. What a funny baby she is.

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