Thursday, November 09, 2006

Almost 36 Weeks

Went to the doctor today and it seems as though the baby has dropped slightly but everything else is still locked up tight. The bean is still snug as a bug in a rug baking away. This is both good and bad news. It is good news because technically if she popped out today she would be about a month early. This is bad news because it means I could have as many as six more weeks of being preggo. Sleep has become elusive and comfort is a thing of the past. I have to pee constantly and am just a touch nauseous.

I got a flu shot today as well. That was the easiest needle I have encountered in a long time. Jeff was very nervous since he does not like needles but even he thought it was a piece of cake.

This weekend is house cleaning and yard cleaning for Jeff and I. The leaves came down in droves this week and our yard is covered. So I am going to attempt to do house work and yard work on Saturday and then do a lot of nothing on Sunday. I do need to go get nursing bras and make a quick exchange at the maternity store but other than that seriously I promised Jeff we could relax on Sunday. I will try to convince myself that I am keeping the Sabbath holy. I will let you know on Monday how I do.

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