Saturday, August 16, 2008

My husband rocks!

Why you may ask? Well for many reasons but specifically I am talking about his lack of fear when it comes to Emelia.

We live near an air force base and the air show is this weekend. Emelia loves airplanes. I am pretty sure Jeff does too as long as he doesn't have to fly in them. (The irony of his love of airplanes and fear of flying is not lost on me!) We talked about taking her to the air show and I was not convinced it would be a good idea, big crowds, restless toddler, potential for interfering with nap time, etc. We were debating. Then yesterday I said, I don't really want to go to the air show. Jeff said well why don't I take Emelia and you can do whatever you want. I practically couldn't breathe - DO WHATEVER I WANT?!?!?!? You see I often get time to myself but it is usually planned in advance and has a schedule worthy of a drill sergeant because I am doing things that are easier without a toddler - grocery shopping for instance. But this, this would be different it would be spontaneous free time to wander about aimlessly drinking coffee all morning and maybe going to the mall. All because my husband is going to take a 20 month old girl to see airplanes. I have packed a backpack that would serve them well if they were stranded on a desert island and I have given him every tip I know. I even armed him with a sucker. (The best offense is a good defense, you know.) He just smiled and shrugged it off because he will figure it out. Lord almighty he is amazing - so mellow, so in love with his baby and so good to his wife. Thank you Lord Jesus for this man. Now I am off to go to the mall and Starbucks, probably twice.


Michael C said...

I bet they had a great time!! We drove by an air show in progress a few months ago and the twins were ecstatic. They wanted to see more.

Yes, your husband does rock. I often take the girls places by myself so my wife can get some down time and because I enjoy it, in part because I have the spoling my kids rotten gene. I just can't help myself!

And for the record: I'm assuming soap boxes were much bigger back in the day. Remember the soap box racers ride they had at Knotts Berry Farm when we were kids? Those things were like cadillacs. Well, I guess they were more like Hyundauis, but you get the point, I hope.

I guess the only thing we could stand on today would be cardboard boxes, but saying 'he's really up on his cardboard box today' doesn't sound as good. My soap comes in in paper and is shrinkwrapped in 12 bar units (yep, Sam's Club). I probably could stand on it, but it might give way and then no one would listen to my message because I fell off my pedestal and therefor can no longer possess credibility.

Sorry I took up so much space ;-)

Michael C said...

Wow, now that my comment has been posted, I realize how long the comment really was and I feel bad. I'm super sorry ;-)

Thuy said...

YEA for SPONTANEOUS FREE TIME, E!!! Hope you made it to the mall and Starbucks at least 4 times! We think Jeffy is great too. Miss you guys a ton!