Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Poop Pee Farts and Boogers

What is a nice Christian girl like me doing talking about all of the previously mentioned bodily functions? Well I have a theory. Once you become a mom these things become such a routine part of your day that you no longer view them as taboo. (I never really viewed them as taboo to begin with probably because my mom loved to say the word fart. It pretty much made her laugh out loud every time she heard it.) Now though, I find myself having a conversation about at least one of these topics every day. Today I think I seriously offended some poor little old lady because I was walking through the soft drink aisle at Target saying "I heard you tooting in there miss Emelia Mae, you can't hide your toots from mommy." This is troublesome for two reasons, one I was talking to my three month old baby - aloud in Target and two I was talking about toots like I was talking about the weather. I thought it was pretty funny but the lady observing me seemed less than pleased about it.

I discuss Emmy's potty habits constantly, what color is her poop, what did it smell like etc. because you can actually tell a lot about your child's health by their bowel movements. Plus it just is what it is - poop is a regular part of my life, not to acknowledge it would be silly. So for all of my friends who have bodily function shyness I apologize for offending your sensibilities (Tina you know who you are...) but I can't help it. One day you too will know that you haven't really lived until you have sucked boogers out of your babies nose with a bulb syringe. The bigger the booger the more excited I get because it means all the works was not in vain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! That made me laugh. I feel pretty comfortable with "poop, pee, and boogers". It's the "F" word I'm not so down with. I just can't say it out loud and as comfortably as your Jeffy-poo would. (See? I'm cool with poo...or poop...whatever.) Happy Baptism Day! xoxo (the kisses for Emmy please...)