Friday, January 20, 2012


Well, today is day 13 and I am over this.  I like the food, and I feel great but I am tired of all the prep and I miss eating meals with my family.  Because I am constantly making two meals I am usually eating by myself when everyone else is done.  I also just miss having the freedom to make my own choices.  I think that is the deal though, will I make good choices when I have that freedom?  I hope so.  I really don't want this all to be in vain.  I do find myself wanting to return to mindless eating.  It takes so much less energy.  Lame, I know, just telling it like it is.  I think the problem with my previous choices is not so much that I ate terribly.  I ate pretty good, but I think I ate too much junk and not enough veggies.  I am hoping I will feel differently tomorrow and I can get my mojo back. 

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