Tuesday, June 17, 2008

TV is weird

I am sure most of you know that Tim Russert died on Friday. He was a noted political analyst for NBC news and a favorite in the Mochal household. He was such a great commentator but he seemed like he could be your neighbor so his opinions were that much more relevant. He spoke in plain English and seemed like an overwhelmingly good guy. I have been really sad all weekend about his death. Yes, I realize that I don't actually know him so it is weird that I have been so upset about his death. I kept hearing about how strong his faith was so I hope to see him in heaven one day.

The thing that has been bugging me is it makes me think a lot about health issues in general. We have been working on eating better, eating more vegetables and what not but we struggle with exercise. I do better than Jeff because it is easier for me to carve out time since they have childcare at our gym. I worry about Jeff though. I just don't know where he can add exercise on a consistent basis in t o his schedule. God bless him he talks about working out in the evening but he really values that time with Em. Maybe we can try evening walks as a family or something. I don't know but I know God wants us to care for our bodies since they are the temple of the holy spirit, but I wish then that God would not have allowed french fries to be invented. I think I will start a new prayer campaign for Jeff's health. Sometimes I feel like I just hand God a laundry list of things that I am worried about but I am not sure how else to approach my prayer life. Does anyone have any tips or reference books to recommend? You know I like a good instruction manual.

1 comment:

Thuy said...

E, I was also very sad about Tim Russert's death; he was so likable. Interesting how we make these very real but very distant people a part of our every day lives. - Also, the french fry line really resonated with me. French fries are from Satan. And the cheese fries from Steak n Shake are from his little evil pawns.

But seriously, I will pray for you and Jeff about developing good diet/exercise habits. You should come over and go to Club Fitness with me so we chat while we're on the elliptical. :)

My brother said to me once, "Don't look at prayer as the only thing you can do. View it as the very best thing you can do." I loved that. The tip I remember from Pastor Gary that I really found helpful was to begin your prayers with a quality of God that you're thankful for. It reminds us that because He's near, or forgiving, or merciful, He is more than equipped to handle our list, however long it might be. Love you.