So Emmy will be four weeks old on Sunday. I can't believe the time has gone so fast. It is sort of like pregnancy, the individual days seem pretty long but the actual weeks seem to go fast. I know that makes very little sense, but that is how it feels.
Things have been better this week. Jeff is back at work full time and it hasn't been bad at all. I have been setting small goals each day which makes me feel like I am getting something done. Emmy continues to be a very good baby. She hardly even cried at bath time this morning. If I can keep her warm she is fine. She basically thinks the bath is cool but being cold and wet when bath time is done sucks.
I have been getting out of the house some too. I went to Target with Emmy by myself for the first time and it went well. She fussed in the car seat a little at first but then slept all through Target or was quietly awake. We had a play date with my friend who's baby is one month older than Emmy yesterday. Okay so it was really more of a mommy playdate but it was really nice.
It is nice because I am able to get most of the household stuff done so that on the weekends Jeff can just concentrate on spending time with us.
It is hard to describe all of the feelings I feel right now. I love the bean very much and she is so good, but I also miss work a bit. I called in this week to tell some one about a new business opportunity and they asked me to help brainstorm for a new business pitch. I was thrilled and it worked out well. The bean basically slept on my shoulder the whole time I was on the phone.
I love being a mom and think I do have a knack for it. (Probably mostly because God blessed me with a good baby.) She is so sweet and she is starting to get fun too. Because I love lists so much following is a list of things I have learned about being a mom.
1. Shower when they sleep no matter what else you think you should be doing. A shower makes you feel like a million bucks.
2. The time to try a new feeding routine (new bottle, etc.) is not 11:00 p.m. (So far she likes to nurse the best but she will take a bottle of breast milk.)
3. Be aware that perspective is everything. I got a breast pump for Christmas, I was thrilled. Last year I got a trip to Jamaica. I was more excited about the pump.
4. Read the Happiest Baby on the Block. The five S's really work, I swear!
5. Love your coffee maker.
6. For all of my anal retentive schedule-based friends, your world will change and you will schedule in one hour chunks, as you go if you are lucky.
7. Accept help. Our church friends brought us meals every night for three weeks. It was such a blessing.
8. It is okay to want to have an identity other than mom. I do and I have accepted that. I just want a little bit of stimulation from the outside world. I don't want to work full time, just a few hours a week.
9. It is okay to want no other identity besides mom. Some of my friends don't want to work ever again. That is ok too.
10. Pray - I believe that it is the only thing that has gotten me through the last four weeks.
I hope everyone is doing well.