Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What a Difference a Day Makes

Thank you to all my friends who sent me notes or phone calls of encouragement.  It really was helpful just two get it out on paper (not really paper but you know what I mean.)  God also used many different moments (calls from friends lyrics from a song, etc.) to give me a hug and say buck up camper.  Today I am filled with wonder at how good God is.  I feel like the funk has lifted and I can rejoice in who I am.  (By the way I put sugar in my coffee - and I am done thinking about it.)  I am certain there will still be days when I wish I was still a career woman but such is life,

Today is Sam's birthday.  Can you believe he is one year old?  As I was writing in my devotional this morning, there were days when I didn't think either one of us would make it to today.  Those first eight months were really hard, those first six weeks were mind-numbing.  So many times I yelled at God, where are you?  Why won't you make him sleep?  God was gentle and let me have my hissy fits and then reminded me that he never said life would be easy only that I would not have to bear it alone.  I just hope that some day I can help someone else when they are in the midst of a baby crisis.

I recently did a picture wall at my house, I am hoping to post pics soon but here are some of the pictures from that all.  Happy birthday Sam!


Thuy said...

Happy 1st Birthday, Sam!!! Please give him a big hug from St. Louis!

And, yes. The title of your post is so true. I would be rich if, within the last 16 months, I had a quarter for every time I experienced a significant mental shift within 24 hours. - I also have to remind myself that God is faithful, even in (or especially in) those moments when I don't believe it, and when I don't want to believe in Him.

Love you, E.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful pics of two beautiful grandchildren